E-government services and tools from regional governments and regional development bodies to support and coordinate the regional research and innovation capital


egov_inno is a project funded by Interreg Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Programme.

In the current portal the user can navigate among different classes of actors of the regional innovation ecosystem of Western Greece such as Hubs, Companies, Investors and Experts and find useful information and details. Furthermore, a starter's toolkit is available for nascent entrepreneurs providing some basic courses on entrepreneurship (in Greek) and also an online tool for creating a business plan.

egov_INNO project aims at the improvement of the utilization of customized e-government services for business (e.g. for innovative startups), proposing effective and feasible G2B e-government applications tailored to the needs of the participating regions leading to better governance and faster delivery of services to the local private sector.

The project will deliver a set of important innovation support and management tools for specific areas of economic interest in Western Greece and Apulia (e.g. agro-business, tourism/culture, Information and Communication Technologies).

The cultural communities, the business relations and the tight sea-bonds of the two areas (Western Greece – Puglia Region) enhance the demand for close cross-border cooperation in the field of innovation support and management in both territories.

This project is a common challenge for both Regions. Each partner region has its own experiences and different readiness level in the field of e-government for business with emphasis on SMEs. Getting them in a common level towards the creation of a common innobarometer, is for the benefit of the private sector since it can lead to the creation of a common administrative environment allowing enterprises to operate, collaborate and innovate easier.

egov_INNO is expected to contribute overall to supporting strategic cross-border co-operation for a more prosperous and sustainable economic environment across the Ionian Sea providing important means to deliver innovation support services from regional governments.

The website of the project is http://interregegovinno.eu/.

© 2025 Regional Development Fund Region of Western Greece